Slovenian Wedding Customs

por | dez 8, 2023 | Online dating | 0 Comentários

Many Slovak wedding customs may look foreigners familiar, but Slovaks truly do cherish them. The ceremony should look beautiful, and if something does n’t look good on camera, they are n’t afraid to retake it. This is what is most important to them. Ethnologist Zuzana Jakubikova told The Slovak Spectator,” It’s like filming a scene: if it does n’t turn out well, you just film it again.”

In a earlier ceremony known as pytacky, grooms used to go to the princess’s parents to ask for her hand in marriage. However, the bridegroom would have to carry out a number of jobs to demonstrate his worth to her if her kids objected. Running a gauntlet, dancing with the entire township, and giving presents to her parents were some examples of this.

The” savojka” service, where the princess’s relatives gather to braid her tresses, is a tradition This is a really heartfelt instant as she prepares for her new living. The couple will then have the same plate and knife of sauce, indicating that they will be combining anything from now until the end.

Slovak newlyweds were formerly required to see a logs as well. People who needed wood for cooking and heating knew how to use a saw, so they learned about it. This ceremony had useful foundations. It’s a much more metaphoric act now, but it still helps them work together and grow in confidence.

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